Sardar got into a bus on 1st April when conductor asked for ticket.
He gave Rs.10/- and took the ticket and said April fool. I have pass.
* Sardar on phone "Doctor my wife is pergnant.She is having pain right now".
Doctor: Is this her first child?
Sardar: No this is her husband speaking............
Teacher :Ramya and Shilpa!,why are you late for school,today?
Shilpa:Madam, I lost a one rupee coin and was searching for it.
Teachear:Ramya, what about you?
Ramya:Madam. .., I was not able to move ....because I was hiding that coin under my feet.
Teacher:"Can anyone give me an example of Coincidence? "
Johnny:"Sir, my mother and father got married on the same day same time."
Teacher: "I killed a person" convert this sentence
into future tense.
Sardar: The future tense is "u will go to jail".
Sardar-why r all these people running?
Man- This is a race, the winner will get the cup.
Sardar-If only the winner will get the cup, why r
others running?
Interviewer : How many seconds in one year?
Sardar : 12 second.
Interviewer : How did you say?
Sardar : Jan 2nd,feb 2nd,mar 2nd...???
Interviewer : ????
ennathan padipula 100 ku 100 yeduthalum
omlete venumna muta than vanganum
Vikkal vandha vikkalam
Nakkal vandha ?
Sun TVls Sorgam Pakkalam
Sorgathula Sun TV pakka mudiyuma???
Ennathan periya veerana irunthalum
veiyil adicha thirumba adikka mudiyathu....
Kasu irundha call taxi
Kasu illati Kaal than taxi
Odura ELI vala pudhicha KINGU
Puli vala pudicha SANGU
This is crime story................. Five friends lived in one room,
Namely MAD, BRAIN, FOOL, NOBODY, SOMEBODY. ....................
One day SOMEBODY killed NOBODY.......................
At that time BRAIN was in bathroom................
MAD called police.
MAD : "Is it police station???"
Police: "Yes, what is the matter??"
MAD : "SOMEBODY killed NOBODY." ........
Police: "Are you mad?" ...........
MAD : "Yes, I'm MAD."
Police: "Don`t you have BRAIN...."
MAD : "BRAIN is in bathroom."..
Police: "You FOOL.!!!"
MAD : "No, Sir.. FOOL is reading this joke... " lol........
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Lady : So, you want to become my son-in-law? Boy: Not really, but I don't see any other way 2 marry ur daughter!
"I hear that you drop some money in Stocks. Were you a bull or a bear?" "Neither, just a plain simple ass."
A lady delivered twins. Suprisingly one is a boy and another is a dog how it is possible? Bcoz her husband is HUTCH DEALER.... wherever u go out network follows
Dream makes al things possible, Hope makes al things work, luv makes al thigs beutifl, smile makes al d abv so always BRUSH UR TEETH...!
Husband: Today is sunday & I have to enjoy it. So i bought 3 movie tickets. Wife: why three? Husband: 4 u and ur parents.
A police recruit was asked during exam, "What would u do if u had to arrest ur own mother?" He said, "Call for backup."
A baby monkey asks his father, Father why r we so ugly? The father says to him, don't stress my son u should see the one who is reading this!!
Teacher: What should be in a book to make it a bestseller? Tommy: A girl on the cover and no cover on the girl.

Do u know whats A B C D E F G? A Boy Can Do Everything For Girl Now reverse da order, can u guess the full form of: G F E D C B A ? Girls Forgets Everything Done & Catches(new) Boy Again
Teacher: What r the people of Turkey called? Student: I don't know. Teacher: They r called Turks, now What r the people of Germany called? Student: They r called Germs.
Sardarji was asked, what is a adult joke? Reply came any joke which is eighteen years old.
A Mother makes her son Intelligent in 20 years, but a Girl can makes him Stupid in 2 minutes.
When do you congratulate someone for their Mistake? Answer : On their Wedding !!
History Teacher : From where to where did the mughals rule ? Student: Sir, I am not sure but I think from page 15 to 26.
A sardar falls in luv wit a nurse.. After much thinking, he finally writes a luv letter 2 her: "I LUV U SISTER"
Last night was my fault, my wife asked, "what's on the TV?" and ..... I said, "dust!"
Difference: It's funny when people discuss LOVE MARRIAGE Vs ARRANGED. It's like asking someone, if suicide is better or being murdered