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                  C++   Q&A                                                                                                   Ragav


Q. What is the difference between a text editor and a word processor?

A. A text editor produces files with plain text in them. There are no formatting commands or other special symbols required by a particular word processor. Text files do not have automatic word wrap, bold print, italics, and so forth.

Q. If my compiler has a built-in editor, must I use it?

A. Almost all compilers will compile code produced by any text editor. The advantages of using the built-in text editor, however, might include the ability to quickly move back and forth between the edit and compile steps of the development cycle. Sophisticated compilers include a fully integrated development environment, allowing the programmer to access help files, edit, and compile the code in place, and to resolve compile and link errors without ever leaving the environment.

Q. Can I ignore warning messages from my compiler?

A. Many books hedge on this one, but I'll stake myself to this position: No! Get into the habit, from day one, of treating warning messages as errors. C++ uses the compiler to warn you when you are doing something you may not intend. Heed those warnings, and do what is required to make them go away.

Q. What is compile time?

A. Compile time is the time when you run your compiler, as opposed to link time (when you run the linker) or run-time (when running the program). This is just programmer shorthand to identify the three times when errors usually surface


Q. What does #include do?

A. This is a directive to the preprocessor, which runs when you call your compiler. This specific directive causes the file named after the word include to be read in, as if it were typed in at that location in your source code.

Q. What is the difference between // comments and /* style comments?

A. The double-slash comments (//) "expire" at the end of the line. Slash-star (/*) comments are in effect until a closing comment (*/). Remember, not even the end of the function terminates a slash-star comment; you must put in the closing comment mark, or you will get a compile-time error.

Q. What differentiates a good comment from a bad comment?

A. A good comment tells the reader why this particular code is doing whatever it is doing or explains what a section of code is about to do. A bad comment restates what a particular line of code is doing. Lines of code should be written so that they speak for themselves. Reading the line of code should tell you what it is doing without needing a comment.


Q. If a short int can run out of room and wrap around, why not always use long integers?

A .Both
short integers and long integers will run out of room and wrap around, but a long integer will do so with a much larger number. For example, an unsigned short int will wrap around after 65,535, whereas an unsigned long int will not wrap around until 4,294,967,295. However, on most machines, a long integer takes up twice as much memory every time you declare one (4 bytes versus 2 bytes), and a program with 100 such variables will consume an extra 200 bytes of RAM. Frankly, this is less of a problem than it used to be, because most personal computers now come with many thousands (if not millions) of bytes of memory.

Q. What happens if I assign a number with a decimal point to an integer rather than to a float? Consider the following line of code:

int aNumber = 5.4;

A. A good compiler will issue a warning, but the assignment is completely legal. The number you've assigned will be truncated into an integer. Thus, if you assign 5.4 to an integer variable, that variable will have the value 5. Information will be lost, however, and if you then try to assign the value in that integer variable to a float variable, the float variable will have only 5.

Q. Why not use literal constants; why go to the bother of using symbolic constants?

A. If you use the value in many places throughout your program, a symbolic constant allows all the values to change just by changing the one definition of the constant. Symbolic constants also speak for themselves. It might be hard to understand why a number is being multiplied by 360, but it's much easier to understand what's going on if the number is being multiplied by

Q. What happens if I assign a negative number to an unsigned variable? Consider the following line of code:

unsigned int aPositiveNumber = -1;

A. A good compiler will warn, but the assignment is legal. The negative number will be assessed as a bit pattern and assigned to the variable. The value of that variable will then be interpreted as an unsigned number. Thus, -1, whose bit pattern is 11111111 11111111 (0xFF in hex), will be assessed as the unsigned value 65,535. If this information confuses you, refer to Appendix C.

Q. Can I work with C++ without understanding bit patterns, binary arithmetic, and hexadecimal?

A. Yes, but not as effectively as if you do understand these topics. C++ does not do as good a job as some languages at "protecting" you from what the computer is really doing. This is actually a benefit, because it provides you with tremendous power that other languages don't. As with any power tool, however, to get the most out of C++ you must understand how it works. Programmers who try to program in C++ without understanding the fundamentals of the binary system often are confused by their results.


Q. Why use unnecessary parentheses when precedence will determine which operators are acted on first?

A. Although it is true that the compiler will know the precedence and that a programmer can look up the precedence order, code that is easy to understand is easier to maintain.

Q. If the relational operators always return 1 or 0, why are other values considered true?

A. The relational operators return 1 or 0, but every expression returns a value, and those values can also be evaluated in an
if statement. Here's an example:

if ( (x = a + b) == 35 )

This is a perfectly legal C++ statement. It evaluates to a value even if the sum of a and b is not equal to 35. Also note that x is assigned the value that is the sum of a and b in any case.

Q. What effect do tabs, spaces, and new lines have on the program?

A. Tabs, spaces, and new lines (known as whitespace) have no effect on the program, although judicious use of whitespace can make the program easier to read.

Q. Are negative numbers true or false?

A. All nonzero numbers, positive and negative, are true.


Q. Why not make all variables global?

A. There was a time when this was exactly how programming was done. As programs became more complex, however, it became very difficult to find bugs in programs because data could be corrupted by any of the functions--global data can be changed anywhere in the program. Years of experience have convinced programmers that data should be kept as local as possible, and access to changing that data should be narrowly defined.

Q. When should the keyword inline be used in a function prototype?

A. If the function is very small, no more than a line or two, and won't be called from many places in your program, it is a candidate for inlining.

Q. Why aren't changes to the value of function arguments reflected in the calling function?

A. Arguments passed to a function are passed by value. That means that the argument in the function is actually a copy of the original value. This concept is explained in depth in the "Extra Credit" section that follows the Workshop.

Q. If arguments are passed by value, what do I do if I need to reflect the changes back in the calling function?

A. On Day 8, pointers will be discussed. Use of pointers will solve this problem, as well as provide a way around the limitation of returning only a single value from a function.

Q. What happens if I have the following two functions?

int Area (int width, int length = 1); int Area (int size);

Will these overload? There are a different number of parameters, but the first one has a default value.

A. The declarations will compile, but if you invoke
Area with one parameter you will receive a compile-time error: ambiguity between Area(int, int) and Area(int).


Q. How big is a class object?

A. A class object's size in memory is determined by the sum of the sizes of its member variables. Class methods don't take up room as part of the memory set aside for the object.
Some compilers align variables in memory in such a way that two-byte variables actually consume somewhat more than two bytes. Check your compiler manual to be sure, but at this point there is no reason to be concerned with these details.

Q. If I declare a class Cat with a private member itsAge and then define two Cat objects, Frisky and Boots, can Boots access Frisky's itsAge member variable?

A. No. While private data is available to the member functions of a class, different instances of the class cannot access each other's data. In other words,
Frisky's member functions can access Frisky's data, but not Boots'. In fact, Frisky is a completely independent cat from Boots, and that is just as it should be.

Q. Why shouldn't I make all the member data public?

A. Making member data private enables the client of the class to use the data without worrying about how it is stored or computed. For example, if the
Cat class has a method GetAge(), clients of the Cat class can ask for the cat's age without knowing or caring if the cat stores its age in a member variable, or computes its age on the fly.

Q. If using a const function to change the class causes a compiler error, why shouldn't I just leave out the word const and be sure to avoid errors?

A. If your member function logically shouldn't change the class, using the keyword
const is a good way to enlist the compiler in helping you find silly mistakes. For example, GetAge() might have no reason to change the Cat class, but your implementation has this line:


if (itsAge = 100) cout << "Hey! You're 100 years oldn";

Declaring GetAge() to be const causes this code to be flagged as an error. You meant to check whether itsAge is equal to 100, but instead you inadvertently assigned 100 to itsAge. Because this assignment changes the class--and you said this method would not change the class--the compiler is able to find the error.
This kind of mistake can be hard to find just by scanning the code. The eye often sees only what it expects to see. More importantly, the program might appear to run correctly, but
itsAge has now been set to a bogus number. This will cause problems sooner or later.

Q. Is there ever a reason to use a structure in a C++ program?

A. Many C++ programmers reserve the
struct keyword for classes that have no functions. This is a throwback to the old C structures, which could not have functions. Frankly, I find it confusing and poor programming practice. Today's methodless structure might need methods tomorrow. Then you'll be forced either to change the type to class or to break your rule and end up with a structure with methods.


Q. How do you choose between if/else and switch?

A. If there are more than just one or two
else clauses, and all are testing the same value, consider using a switch statement.

Q. How do you choose between while and do...while?

A. If the body of the loop should always execute at least once, consider a
do...while loop; otherwise, try to use the while loop.

Q. How do you choose between while and for?

A If you are initializing a counting variable, testing that variable, and incrementing it each time through the loop, consider the
for loop. If your variable is already initialized and is not incremented on each loop, a while loop may be the better choice.

Q. How do you choose between recursion and iteration?

A. Some problems cry out for recursion, but most problems will yield to iteration as well. Put recursion in your back pocket; it may come in handy someday.

Q. Is it better to use while (1) or for (;;)?

A. There is no significant difference.


Q. Why are pointers so important?

A. Today you saw how pointers are used to hold the address of objects on the free store and how they are used to pass arguments by reference. In addition, on Day 13, "Polymorphism," you'll see how pointers are used in class polymorphism.

Q. Why should I bother to declare anything on the free store?

A. Objects on the free store persist after the return of a function. Additionally, the ability to store objects on the free store enables you to decide at runtime how many objects you need, instead of having to declare this in advance. This is explored in greater depth tomorrow.

Q. Why should I declare an object const if it limits what I can do with it?

A. As a programmer, you want to enlist the compiler in helping you find bugs. One serious bug that is difficult to find is a function that changes an object in ways that aren't obvious to the calling function. Declaring an object
const prevents such changes.


Q. Why have references if pointers can do everything references can?

References are easier to use and understand. The indirection is hidden, and there is no need to repeatedly dereference the variable.

Q. Why have pointers if references are easier?

A. References cannot be null, and they cannot be reassigned. Pointers offer greater flexibility, but are slightly more difficult to use.

Q. Why would you ever return by value from a function?

A. If the object being returned is local, you must return by value or you will be returning a reference to a non-existent object.

Q. Given the danger in returning by reference, why not always return by value?

A. There is far greater efficiency in returning by reference. Memory is saved and the program runs faster.


Q. Why would you ever use default values when you can overload a function?

A. It is easier to maintain one function than two, and often easier to understand a function with default parameters than to study the bodies of two functions. Furthermore, updating one of the functions and neglecting to update the second is a common source of bugs.

Q. Given the problems with overloaded functions, why not always use default values instead?

A. Overloaded functions supply capabilities not available with default variables, such as varying the list of parameters by type rather than just by number.

Q. When writing a class constructor, how do you decide what to put in the initialization and what to put in the body of the constructor?

A. A simple rule of thumb is to do as much as possible in the initialization phase--that is, initialize all member variables there. Some things, like computations and print statements, must be in the body of the constructor.

Q. Can an overloaded function have a default parameter?

A. Yes. There is no reason not to combine these powerful features. One or more of the overloaded functions can have their own default values, following the normal rules for default variables in any function.

Q. Why are some member functions defined within the class declaration and others are not?

A. Defining the implementation of a member function within the declaration makes it inline. Generally, this is done only if the function is extremely simple. Note that you can also make a member function inline by using the keyword
inline, even if the function is declared outside the class declaration.


Q. What happens if I write to element 25 in a 24-member array?

A. You will write to other memory, with potentially disastrous effects on your program.

Q. What is in an uninitialized array element?

A. Whatever happens to be in memory at a given time. The results of using this member without assigning a value are unpredictable.

Q. Can I combine arrays?

A. Yes. With simple arrays you can use pointers to combine them into a new, larger array. With strings you can use some of the built-in functions, such as
strcat, to combine strings.

Q. Why should I create a linked list if an array will work?

A. An array must have a fixed size, whereas a linked list can be sized dynamically at runtime.

Q. Why would I ever use built-in arrays if I can make a better array class?

A. Built-in arrays are quick and easy to use.

Q. Must a string class use a char * to hold the contents of the string?

A. No. It can use any memory storage the designer thinks is best.


Q. Are inherited members and functions passed along to subsequent generations? If Dog derives from Mammal, and Mammal derives from Animal, does Dog inherit Animal's functions and data?

A. Yes. As derivation continues, derived classes inherit the sum of all the functions and data in all their base classes.

Q. If, in the example above, Mammal overrides a function in Animal, which does Dog get, the original or the overridden function?

A. If
Dog inherits from Mammal, it gets the function in the state Mammal has it: the overridden function.

Q. Can a derived class make a public base function private?

A. Yes, and it remains private for all subsequent derivation.

Q. Why not make all class functions virtual?

A. There is overhead with the first virtual function in the creation of a v-table. After that, the overhead is trivial. Many C++ programmers feel that if one function is virtual, all others should be. Other programmers disagree, feeling that there should always be a reason for what you do.

Q. If a function (SomeFunc()) is virtual in a base class and is also overloaded, so as to take either an integer or two integers, and the derived class overrides the form taking one integer, what is called when a pointer to a derived object calls the two-integer form?

A. The overriding of the one-
int form hides the entire base class function, and thus you will get a compile error complaining that that function requires only one int.


Q. What does percolating functionality upwards mean?

A. This refers to the idea of moving shared functionality upwards into a common base class. If more than one class shares a function, it is desirable to find a common base class in which that function can be stored.

Q. Is percolating upwards always a good thing?

A. Yes, if you are percolating shared functionality upwards. No, if all you are moving is interface. That is, if all the derived classes can't use the method, it is a mistake to move it up into a common base class. If you do, you'll have to switch on the runtime type of the object before deciding if you can invoke the function.

Q. Why is switching on the runtime type of an object bad?

A. With large programs, the
switch statements become big and hard to maintain. The point of virtual functions is to let the virtual table, rather than the programmer, determine the runtime type of the object.

Q. Why is casting bad?

A. Casting isn't bad if it is done in a way that is type-safe. If a function is called that knows that the object must be of a particular type, casting to that type is fine. Casting can be used to undermine the strong type checking in C++, and that is what you want to avoid. If you are switching on the runtime type of the object and then casting a pointer, that may be a warning sign that something is wrong with your design.

Q. Why not make all functions virtual?

A. Virtual functions are supported by a virtual function table, which incurs runtime overhead, both in the size of the program and in the performance of the program. If you have very small classes that you don't expect to subclass, you may not want to make any of the functions virtual.

Q. When should the destructor be made virtual?

A. Anytime you think the class will be subclassed, and a pointer to the base class will be used to access an object of the subclass. As a general rule of thumb, if you've made any functions in your class virtual, be sure to make the destructor virtual as well.

Q. Why bother making an Abstract Data Type--why not just make it non-abstract and avoid creating any objects of that type?

A. The purpose of many of the conventions in C++ is to enlist the compiler in finding bugs, so as to avoid runtime bugs in code that you give your customers. Making a class abstract, that is, giving it pure virtual functions, causes the compiler to flag any objects created of that abstract type as errors.


Q. Why use static data when you can use global data?

A. Static data is scoped to the class. In this manner, static data are available only through an object of the class, through an explicit call using the class name if they are public, or by using a static member function. Static data are typed to the class type, however, and the restricted access and strong typing makes static data safer than global data.

Q. Why use static member functions when you can use global functions?

A. Static member functions are scoped to the class, and can be called only by using an object of the class or an explicit full specification (such as

Q. Is it common to use many pointers to functions and pointers to member functions?

A. No, these have their special uses, but are not common constructs. Many complex and powerful programs have neither.


Q. Why is it so important to distinguish between is-a, has-a, and implemented in terms of?

A. The point of C++ is to implement well-designed, object-oriented programs. Keeping these relationships straight helps to ensure that your design corresponds to the reality of what you are modeling. Furthermore, a well-understood design will more likely be reflected in well-designed code.

Q. Why is containment preferred over private inheritance?

A. The challenge in modern programming is to cope with complexity. The more you can use objects as black boxes, the fewer details you have to worry about and the more complexity you can manage. Contained classes hide their details; private inheritance exposes the implementation details.

Q. Why not make all classes friends of all the classes they use?

A. Making one class a friend of another exposes the implementation details and reduces encapsulation. The ideal is to keep as many of the details of each class hidden from all other classes as possible.

Q. If a function is overloaded, do you need to declare each form of the function to be a friend?

A. Yes, if you overload a function and declare it to be a friend of another class, you must declare
friend for each form that you wish to grant this access to.


Q. How do you know when to use the insertion and extraction operators and when to use the other member functions of the stream classes?

A. In general, it is easier to use the insertion and extraction operators, and they are preferred when their behavior is what is needed. In those unusual circumstances when these operators don't do the job (such as reading in a string of words), the other functions can be used.

Q. What is the difference between cerr and clog?

cerr is not buffered. Everything written to cerr is immediately written out. This is fine for errors to be written to the screen, but may have too high a performance cost for writing logs to disk. clog buffers its output, and thus can be more efficient.

Q. Why were streams created if printf() works well?

printf() does not support the strong type system of C++, and it does not support user-defined classes.

Q. When would you ever use putback()?

A. When one read operation is used to determine whether or not a character is valid, but a different read operation (perhaps by a different object) needs the character to be in the buffer. This is most often used when parsing a file; for example, the C++ compiler might use

Q. When would you use ignore()?

A. A common use of this is after using
get(). Because get() leaves the terminating character in the buffer, it is not uncommon to immediately follow a call to get() with a call to ignore(1,'n');. Once again, this is often used in parsing.

Q. My friends use printf() in their C++ programs. Can I?

A. Sure. You'll gain some convenience, but you'll pay by sacrificing type safety.


Q. If C++ offers better alternatives than the preprocessor, why is this option still available?

A. First, C++ is backward-compatible with C, and all significant parts of C must be supported in C++. Second, there are some uses of the preprocessor that are still used frequently in C++, such as inclusion guards.

Q. Why use macro functions when you can use a regular function?

A. Macro functions are expanded inline and are used as a substitute for repeatedly typing the same commands with minor variations. Again, though, templates offer a better alternative.

Q. How do you know when to use a macro versus an inline function?

A. Often it doesn't matter much; use whichever is simpler. However, macros offer character substitution, stringizing, and concatenation. None of these is available with functions.

Q. What is the alternative to using the preprocessor to print interim values during debugging?

The best alternative is to use
watch statements within a debugger. For information on watch statements, consult your compiler or debugger documentation.

Q. How do you decide when to use an assert() and when to throw an exception?

A. If the situation you're testing can be true without your having committed a programming error, use an exception. If the only reason for this situation to ever be true is a bug in your program, use an


Q. In what way is object-oriented analysis and design fundamentally different from other approaches?

Prior to the development of these object-oriented techniques, analysts and programmers tended to think of programs as functions that acted on data. Object-oriented programming focuses on the integrated data and functionality as discrete units that have both knowledge (data) and capabilities (functions). Procedural programs, on the other hand, focus on functions and how they act on data. It has been said that Pascal and C programs are collections of procedures and C++ programs are collections of classes.

Q. Is object-oriented programming finally the silver bullet that will solve all programming problems?

A. No, it was never intended to be. For large, complex problems, however, object-oriented analysis, design, and programming can provide the programmer with tools to manage enormous complexity in ways that were previously impossible.

Q. Is C++ the perfect object-oriented language?

A. C++ has a number of advantages and disadvantages when compared with alternative object-oriented programming languages, but it has one killer advantage above and beyond all others: It is the single most popular object-oriented programming language on the face of the Earth. Frankly, most programmers don't decide to program in C++ after an exhaustive analysis of the alternative object-oriented programming languages; they go where the action is, and in the 1990s the action is with C++. There are good reasons for that; C++ has a lot to offer, but this book exists, and I'd wager you are reading it, because C++ is the development language of choice at so many corporations.

Q. Where can I learn more about object-oriented analysis and design?

A. Day 21 offers some further suggestions, but it is my personal opinion that there are a number of terrific object-oriented analysis and design books available. My personal favorites include:
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications by Grady Booch (2nd Edition). Published by Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., ISBN: 0-8053-5340-2.
Object-Oriented Modeling and Design by Rumbaugh, Blaha, Premerlani, Eddy, and Lorenson. Published by Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-629841-9.
There are many other excellent alternatives. Also be sure to join one of the newsgroups or conferences on the Internet, Interchange, or one of the alternative dial-up services.


Q. Why use templates when macros will do?

A. Templates are type-safe and built into the language.

Q. What is the difference between the parameterized type of a template function and the parameters to a normal function?

A. A regular function (non-template) takes parameters on which it may take action. A template function allows you to parameterize the type of a particular parameter to the function. That is, you can pass an
Array of Type to a function, and then have the Type determined by the template instance.

Q. When do you use templates and when do you use inheritance?

A. Use templates when all the behavior, or virtually all the behavior, is unchanged, except in regard to the type of the item on which your class acts. If you find yourself copying a class and changing only the type of one or more of its members, it may be time to consider using a template.

Q. When do you use general template friend classes?

A. When every instance, regardless of type, should be a friend to this class or function.

Q. When do you use type-specific template friend classes or functions?

A. When you want to establish a one-to-one relationship between two classes. For example,
array<int> should match iterator<int>, but not iterator<Animal>.


Q. Why bother with raising exceptions? Why not handle the error right where it happens?

A. Often, the same error can be generated in a number of different parts of the code. Exceptions let you centralize the handling of errors. Additionally, the part of the code that generates the error may not be the best place to determine how to handle the error.

Q. Why generate an object? Why not just pass an error code?

A. Objects are more flexible and powerful than error codes. They can convey more information, and the constructor/destructor mechanisms can be used for the creation and removal of resources that may be required to properly handle the exceptional condition.

Q. Why not use exceptions for non-error conditions? Isn't it convenient to be able to express-train back to previous areas of the code, even when non-exceptional conditions exist?

A. Yes, some C++ programmers use exceptions for just that purpose. The danger is that exceptions might create memory leaks as the stack is unwound and some objects are inadvertently left in the free store. With careful programming techniques and a good compiler, this can usually be avoided. Otherwise, it is a matter of personal aesthetic; some programmers feel that by their nature exceptions should not be used for routine conditions.

Q. Does an exception have to be caught in the same place where the try block created the exception?

A. No, it is possible to catch an exception anywhere in the call stack. As the stack is unwound, the exception is passed up the stack until it is handled.

Q. Why use a debugger when you can use cout with conditional (#ifdef debug) compiling?

A. The debugger provides a much more powerful mechanism for stepping through your code and watching values change without having to clutter your code with thousands of debugging statements.


Q. Why are the standard libraries included with C++ compilers, and when would you use them?

A. They are included for backwards-compatibility with C. They are not type-safe, and they don't work well with user-created classes, so their use is limited. Over time, you might expect all of their functionality to be migrated into C++ specific libraries, at which time the standard C libraries would become obsolete.

Q. When would you use bit structures rather than simply using integers?

A. When the size of the object is crucial. If you are working with limited memory or with communications software, you may find that the savings offered by these structures is essential to the success of your product.

Q. Why do style wars generate so much emotion?

A. Programmers become very attached to their habits. If you are used to this indentation,

if (SomeCondition){

     // statements

}    // closing brace

it is a difficult transition to give it up. New styles look wrong and create confusion. If you get bored, try logging onto a popular online service and asking which indentation style works best, which editor is best for C++, or which product is the best word processor. Then sit back and watch as ten thousand messages are generated, all contradicting one another.

Q. What is the very next thing to read?

A. Tough question. If you want to review the fundamentals, read one of the other primers. If you want to hone C++, run out and get Scott Meyers' Effective C++. Finally, if you want to write for Windows or the Mac, it might make sense to pick up a primer on the

Q. Is that it?

A. Yes! You've learned C++, but...no. Ten years ago it was possible for one person to learn all there was to know about microcomputers, or at least to feel pretty confident that he was close. Today it is out of the question: You can't possibly catch up, and even as you try the industry is changing. Be sure to keep reading, and stay in touch with the resources that will keep you up with the latest changes: magazines and online services.

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