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                                                                C 2006                                              



PART A - (10 x 3 = 30 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 50 words.

1. List down the differences between Break and Continue statement.

2. List down the different operators available in C.

3. Define register variable.

4. What do you mean by preprocessor?

5. What is the meaning of '&' operator? Along with which variable it may be used?

6. What is meant by multi-dimensional array?

7. Explain the term void function.

8. Give the syntax of union.

9. Explain any two standard mathematical functions.

10. List down the different I/O operations on files.

11 .What is stack?

12. How can labeled data items be generated by the print f function?

PART B - (5 x 6 = 30 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 200 words.

13. Develop a C program to find the smallest and second smallest from a set of numbers.

14. Write the difference between while and for statement.

15. Write a program in C to multiply two matrixes A and B the resultant matrix in C.

16. Write a function using pointers to exchange the values stored in two locations in the memory.

17. Write a program to read a line of text containing a series of words from the terminal.

18. Discuss the uses and limitations of a function getc and putc. Distinguish the following concepts:
getch and getchar
printf and f printf
feof and ferror.

19. Write a C program to read 100 numbers into an array and compute the mean of only the seven numbers.

PART C - (4 x 10 = 40 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 500 words.

20. Write the different types of IF structure available in C.

21. Summarize several types of commonly used linked data structures. Write a C program to create and
maintain a singly linked list.

22. Write a C program to compute the real and complex roots of a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0.

23. An n -order polynomial can be evaluated as follows:

P = (...(aoX + at)X + az)X + ...an)

Write a function to evaluate the polynomial usingan array variable n .

24. Using pointers, write a function that receives a character string and a character as argument and delete
all occurrences of this character in the string. This function should return the corrected string with holes.

25. What is meant by Nested structure and Array of structure? Explain it with example.

APRIL 2008 "C" 46404/PK2B
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART-A---(10*3=30 MARKS)
Answer any TEN questions.

1.Differentiate between indentifiers and keywords.
2.Write a note on unary operators in c.
3.What do you mean by nested control structures?
State the rules.
4.Differentiate between break and continue statements.
5.Write a note on comma operators.
6.Define prototype.
7.Write a note on multifile programs.
8.What do you mean by recursion?
Write a recursive program to find factorial of a number.
9.What are user defined data types?
10.Differentiate between structure and union.
11.Define the meaning of * a[10] and (*a)[10].
12.How will you test the end of file?

PART-B--(5*6=30 MARKS)
Answer any FIVE Questions
13.Write a program to find the maximum of
three numbers using conditional operator
14.Explain the switch structure with an example.
15.Write a program to find the standard deviation
of a set of numbers.
16.Explain the general structures of a function.
17.Explain the methods to pass argurments.
18.Explain the bitwise operators.
19.How to pass pointers to functions? Explain with an example.

PART-C--(4*10=40 MARKS)
Answer any FOUR questions

20.(a)Explain the relational, logical and assignment operators in c.

(b)Explain any four mahematical library functions in c.
21.There are n students in a co-education class. For each student
the sex code (1 for male and 2 for female) and height are available.
Write a program to find the average male height and the average
female height.
22.Discuss the storage classes.
23.Write a program to evaluate ncr using a recursive function to find n!, where
ncr = n!
24.Write a program to multiply two matrices of order m x n and n x l.
25.Write a program to create a sequential data file called NUMBER.DAT
with a set of integer numbers. Write another program to read numbers
from the created file and create two files namely ODD.DAT and EVEN.DAT
with odd and even numbers respectively






PART A - (10 x 3 = 30 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 50 words.

1. Compare structured and object oriented

programming paradigms.

2. What are the programming paradigms currently

available? Explain their features with programming

languages supporting them.

3. What is a software crisis? Justify the need for a

new programming paradigm.

4.What is inline function? Give an example.

5.What are. friend functions? What is its features?

6. What is the difference between static binding and

late binding?

7.What is inheritance? Write its types.

8.What is polymorphism? Write its features.

9.Compare constructors and destructor..

10.What are streams?

11.What are generic classes?

12. What are exceptions? What is the importance of


PART B - (5 x 6 = 30 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 200 words.

13. Discuss the merits and demerits of object-oriented


14. What are escape sequences? Write a program to

output messages in double quotes.

15. What are the differences between passing

parameters by value and by pointers? Give suitable


16. What are virtual destructors? How do they differ

from normal destructors? Give suitable illustrations.

17. Explain the various methods of performing

formated stream I/O operation.

18. Write a program to demonstrate the catching of all


19. Explain the various file stream classes needed for

file manipulations.

PART C - (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 500 words.

20. Write a program to multiple two matrices of

different orders.

21. What are recursive functions? Write a program to

find ncr and npr values.

22. Write a program for finding the smallest and

largest in a list of N numbers. Accept the value of N at

runtime and allocate the necessary amount of storage

for storing numbers.

23. Create a class, which keeps track of the number of

its instances use static data members, constructors, and

destructor to maintain updated information about

active objects.

24. What are the different forms of inheritance

supported in C++? Explain them with an example.

25. (a) What are the differences between sequential

and random files?

(b) What are the differences between ASCll and

binary files?

Computer Graphics

PART A - (10 x 3 = 30 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.

All question carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 50 words.

1. List any three video display devices.

2. Describe the role of keyboard on a graphics


3.Write about PRIGS.

4. Discuss line types available as line attributes.

5. List out any three character attributes.

6. Define the transformation scaling in 2 dimensions.

7. Write a note on : 2 dimensional viewing pipeline.

8. Define clipping. Give an example.

9. Give the logical classification of input devices.

10. What is meant by parallel projection?

11. Define: 3 dimensional translation.

12. Write a note on: the back-face detection method.

PART B - (5 x 6 = 30 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 200 words.

13. Write a note on hard copy devices.

14. Write and explain DDA line drawing algorithm.

15. List and explain area-fill attributes.

16. Obtain the matrix corresponding to two

dimensional rotation.

17. Explain the benefit of interactive picture construction

techniques by giving one such method.

18. Explain the transformation from world to viewing


19. Explain 3 dimensional reflection through an example.

PART C - (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

All question carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 500 words.

20. Write and explain midpoint circle generating algorithm.

Give an example.

21. Write a detailed note on colour and grayscale levels.

22. Explain the concept of composite transformation for

representing any given transformation as composite of standard


23. Write and explain Cohen - Sutherland line clipping algorithm.

24. Write a detailed note on three-dimensional display methods.

25. Write and explain the depth-buffer method for hidden surface



PART A - (10 x 3 = 30 marks)

Answer any TEN questions. All questions carry equal marks.Each answer should not exceed 50 words.

1.What do you mean by literal? Give example.

2.What is the necessity of environment division?

3. Both the input and output file defined in pay date processing COBOL program and assigned to disk. The program is run on the HCL system. Write the suitable environment division.

4.What is the necessity of level number?

5.Give the syntax of move verb. With example.

6.What are the rules for forming a COBOL words.

7.What do you mean by SET verb?

8.Give the syntax of GOTO….DEPENDING ON.

9.What do you mean by Group data item?

10.Write the syntax of MERGE verb.

11.What is the use of COMPUTE verb?

12.What is the necessity of working storage section?

PART B - (5 x 6 = 30 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 200 words.

13. Differentiate between user-defined words and reserved words.

14. Describe the use of ACCEPT and DISPLAY statement in COBOL.

15.Explain any two types of conditions with example.

16.Describe the structure of COBOL program.

17. What do you mean by editing PICTURE CLAUSES? with example.

18. Write a COBOL program to find whether a given positive integer is odd or even.

19. Write a COBOL program to find the biggest among three numbers.

PART C - (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 500 words.

20. Write short notes on OPEN, CLOSE, READ and WRITE verb with examples.

21. Discuss in detail about the various arithmetic operations in COBOL.

22. The personal files of two departments contain the following type of data for each employee.

Field name: Employee name Personal details

Field size: 15 alphanumeric position 50 alphanumeric position

Write a program to merge these two files by comparing the employee name fields.

23. Discuss in detail about the various options of PERFORM statement with examples.

24. A Finance Company has announced several loans to its customers. The interest rate for each type of loan and its code are given below:

Loan Type Interest rate Code

Housing 7% 1

Education 8% 2

Personnel 9% 3

Write a COBOL program to calculate the total amount to be repaid on the basis of the amount taken and the interest provided.

25.Explain the following:

(a) COBOL coding sheet.

(b) File Control Paragraph for indexed file.

(c) Redefines and Renames clause.



NOVEMBER 2008 46405/PK3A

Time: Three hours Maximum : [100 marks]

PART A - [10 * 3 = 30 marks]
Answer any TEN questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
Each answer should not exceed 50 words.

1. What is ment by Alphanumeric variable?

2. Write the use of COBOL coding sheet.

3. What is a COBOL word?

4. What is the need of working storage section?

5. What is the use of ONSIZE ERROR option?

6. Differentiate between elementary and group data item.

7. Write a note on : 'inspect' statement.

8. What is synchronized option?

9. What is the use of COMPUTE verb?

10. What is FILLER clause?

11. What is the use of SET verb?

12. Write any three merits and demerits of indexed file processing.

PART B - [5* 6 =3 marks]
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
Each answer should not exceed 200 words.

13. What are the entries of Data Division? Discuss briefly.

14. Explain any three types of constants.

15. Differentiate between release and return statements.

16. Explain the PICTURE clause.

17. Explain with examples, OCCURS clause.

18. Differentiate between STRING and UNSTRING statements.

19. Compare and contrast sequential file organization with relative file organization.

PART C - [4 * 10 = 40 marks]
Answer any FOUR questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
Each answer should not exceed 500 words.

20. Describe the structure of COBOL program.

21. Explain with examples, various form PERFORM statements.

22. Describe the various Arithmetic verbs in COBOL, with examples.

23. Explain with examples, SORT and MERGE verbs.

24. Differentiate between 'renames' and 'redefines' clauses.

25. Write a program in COBOL to input emp-name, code and basic. Calculate his net pay and display information about his pay.



PART A - (10 x 3 = 30 marks)

Answer any TEN questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 50 words.

1.Write a note on Query processor.

2.What are Events?

3.Write a note on Data Dictionary.

4. What is the use of ORDER BY clause? Give an example.

5. Write a note on CREATE VIEW command.

6.Write about UNION operator in SQL.

7.What are the basic types of forms?

8. What are the common uses for Report Layout Elements?

9. What are Tool bars?

10.Write a note on Data clustering.

11. List down the role of Database Administrator.

12. Write a note on OLE.

PART B - (5 x 6 ~ 30 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 200 words.

13.Write short notes on class diagrams.

14. Discuss the common comparisons used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statement.

15. What are SQL Data Manipulation Commands? Discuss briefly with examples.

16.Write short notes on procedural languages.

17. Distinguish between Horizontal and Vertical Partitioning.

18. Write short notes on object oriented databases.

19. Discuss briefly about Microsoft COM and CORBA.

PART C - (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 500 words.

20. Explain about various Database Components with a neat

21. Describe in detail, queries with Multiple Tables with examples.

22. Explain about effective design of Reports and Forms.

23. Describe in detail, Basic Report types with examples.

24. Explain about Data Storage Methods.

25. Describe in detail, Database Security and Privacy.



PART A - (10 x 3 = 30 marks)

Answer any TEN questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 50 words.

1.Write a note on Query processor.

2.What are Events?

3.Write a note on Data Dictionary.

4. What is the use of ORDER BY clause? Give an example.

5. Write a note on CREATE VIEW command.

6.Write about UNION operator in SQL.

7.What are the basic types of forms?

8. What are the common uses for Report Layout Elements?

9. What are Tool bars?

10.Write a note on Data clustering.

11. List down the role of Database Administrator.

12. Write a note on OLE.

PART B - (5 x 6 ~ 30 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 200 words.

13.Write short notes on class diagrams.

14. Discuss the common comparisons used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statement.

15. What are SQL Data Manipulation Commands? Discuss briefly with examples.

16.Write short notes on procedural languages.

17. Distinguish between Horizontal and Vertical Partitioning.

18. Write short notes on object oriented databases.

19. Discuss briefly about Microsoft COM and CORBA.

PART C - (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 500 words.

20. Explain about various Database Components with a neat

21. Describe in detail, queries with Multiple Tables with examples.

22. Explain about effective design of Reports and Forms.

23. Describe in detail, Basic Report types with examples.

24. Explain about Data Storage Methods.

25. Describe in detail, Database Security and Privacy.




PART A(10*3=30MARKS)














PART B-(5*6=30MARKS)









PART C(4*10=40MARKS)










PART A - (10 x 3 = 30 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1.Convert decimal 0.6875 to binary.

2. Use 2's complement to perform M-N with the given binary number

M = 1010100 N = 1000100

3.Write a note on "Error-Detection Codes".

4.Prove: x + x = x .

5.Construct the truth table for F = xy’ + x ' y .

6. Draw the logic F = x'y’z + x 'y z + xy’circuit for the expression

7. Give the logic diagram and graphic symbol for clocked RS flip-flop.

8.What are the functions of counter?

9.Describe the use of encoders.

10.What are Demultiplexers?

11.What is meant by accumulator?

12.Explain 'Minterms' with an example.

PART B - (5 x 6 = 30 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

13.Write short notes on "Logic Gates".

14.Simplify the Boolean function using map method F =A'C+A'B+AB'C+BC

15.Explain the operations of status registers.

16. What is a decoder? Draw the logic diagrams of a BCD to decimal decoder and explain.

17. Explain with a logic diagram, the working of a full-adder.

18. Describe the operation of accumulator with neat diagram.

19. Describe about alphanumeric codes and error codes.

PART C - (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

20.Perform the following in binary form.

(a) (128)10 - (64)10

(b) (l02) 10 + (120)10

(c) (31) 10 X (14) 10

(d) (25) 10 / (5) 10

21Prove the following equations:

(a) (X+Y)(X+Z)=X+YZ

(b) (A +B’+C)(A +B’+C’)(A +B +C) =A +B’C.

22. Explain the shift-right register and shift-left register with circuit diagram and truth tables.

23. Draw the block diagram of a ripple counter. Explain its operation. What is the advantage of a synchronous counter over ripple counter?

24. Explain the action of multiplexer and demultiplexer with suitable diagrams.

25.Describe the operation with function table of ALU.






PART A - (10 x 3 = 30 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 50 words.

1.Define data structure. Give examples.

2. What are primitive data types? How do they differ

from composite data types?

3.Define the terms Queue and Dequeue.

4.List the applications of stacks.

5. State the merits and demerits of linked lists over


6. Give the linked list representation for the

following polynomials:

(a) A = 3X14 + 2X8 -1

(b)B = 8X14 - 3XlO + 10x6 .

7.Define circularly linked list. Give an example.

8.Differentiate between trees and binary trees.

9.Define graph.

10. Construct the binary tree uniquely represented by

the following preorder-inorder sequences.

Preorder sequence: ABCDEFGHI Inorder

sequence: BCAEDGHFI

11. Define algorithm and list the desirable


12. What do you mean by 'divide and conquer'


PART B - (5 x 6 = 30 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 200 words.

13. Given an array A (1 : n), write an algorithm to

produce the array Z (1 : n) such that Z (1) = A (n) ,

Z(2)=A(n-1),...,Z(n-1)=A(2), Z(n)=A(1). Use a

minimal amount of storage.

14. Write algorithms to insert and delete elements in

a circular queue.

15. Write an algorithm LENGTH(P) to count the

number of nodes in a singly linked list P, where P points

to the first node in the list. The last node has link

field O.

16. Write algorithms to insert and delete nodes in a

doubly linked list.

17. Write the Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest


18. Explain the steps to convert a forest to a binary


19. Explain the algorithm to find the maximum and

the minimum .of a set of numbers using dived and

conquer technique.

PART C - (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 500 words.

20.Discuss the operations on arrays with examples.

21. Discuss the evaluation of expressions along with

the algorithm for infix to postfix: conversion.

22. Write and explain the algorithm to add two

polynomials using linked representation.

23.Discuss the hashing tables and hashing functions.

24. Explain the binary tree traversal algorithms with


25. Discuss the merge sort algorithm with an example.



                                                DATA STRUCTURE


NOVEMBER 2008 46411/PK4C
PART -A--(10*3=30 MARKS)

Answer any TEN questions
1.What is the use of data structure?
2.What is called as premitive data type?
3.Write the algorithm for push operation on stack.
4.Define Queue.
5.Write any three advantages of linked list than an array.
6.Define a graph.
7.What is calles as forest?
8.Write an expression for infix to postfix expression.
9.Give any two differences between binary search and
sequential search.
10.What is the use of sorting method?
11.What do you mean by complexity of algorithm?
12.What is Traversal?

PART-B--(5*6=30 MARKS)
Answer any FIVE questions
13.Write short notes on Asymptotic notations.
14.Define data structure. Define algorithm.
What are the criteria for an algorithm
15.What are the operations done with a Queue?
Explain with an algorithm.
16.Write an algorithm for finding the factorial using Recursion.
17.What are the traversals available in a graph?
18.Write about Hash function.
19.Explain about Binary search.

PART -C--(4*10=40 MARKS)

Answer any FOUR Questions
20. List out the differences between stack and queue.
21.Write an algorithm to arranging books in library
in alphabetical order.
22.Explain about the concept of finding the shortest path
23.Develop a procedure which addds two polynomials using singly linked list.
Apply it your own suitable examples.
24.Write the procedure to find the Max and Min in an array.
25.Explain about the Maze problem in detail.


                   JAVA 2005




PART A- (10 x 3 = 30

Answer any TEN questions.All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 50 words.

1.Distinguish C and Java.

2.What is initialization? Why is it important?

3. What is symbolic constants? How they are useful in developing programs?

4. What are objects? How they are created using a class?

5. What is constructor? What are its special properties?

6.What is thread?

7.What is synchronization? When do we use it?

8.How do we define a catch block?

9. How does string class differ from String buffer class?

10. Describe different forms of inheritance with example.

11. Compare and contrast overloading and overriding methods.

12. When do we declare a method or class fina1/abstract?

PART B - (5 x 6 = 30 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 200 words.

13. What are the similarities and differences between interfaces and classes?

14. Describe the complete life cycle of a thread.

15. Explain how the exception handling mechanism be used for debugging a program.

16. Explain applet life cycle with state transition diagram.

17. Explain the client/server relationship as applied to java applets.

18. What are input and output streams? Explain them with illustrations

19.Explain the OSI model in detail.

PART C - (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 500 words.

20. Explain all the standard data types available in Java.

21. Write a Java program to find the sum of all integers greater than 100 and less than 200 that are divisible by 7.

22. Write a program to find the number of positive numbers in m *n matrix.

23. Discuss the steps involved in developing and running a local/remote applet.

24. Write a program to create an applet and display the message 'Welcome to the Java World'.

25.Write short notes on : (a) Proxy servers (b) TCP/IP (c) AWT controls.



Madras University B.C.A Nov2005
Programmin In Java
Answer any Ten
1.What is Meant by ByteCode?

2.Write Short notes on Integer DataTypes In Java?

3.Write a note on Jump Statements In java?

4.Difference Between Class And an Object?

5.What are Static Methods?Give examples

6.Define interface

7.What is the use of throw statement?Give example.

8.Define the term Thread

9.Explain about ByteStreams in java?

10.How will you find out the length of a string in java?Give example.

11.what is an Internet Address?

12.Write a note on checkbox control in java?

Answer any five (5*6=30)

13.Explain about Lexical Issues in java with examples?

14.Explain about different groups of operators in java with examples?

15.write a java program to find the sum and average of n given numbers?

16.Explain about the use of various access specifiers in java with sitable examples?

17.Explain about packages in java with examples?

18.Discuss the procedure for applets development in java with example?

19.with an example of java program explain the use of AWT label control?

Answer any Four (10*4=40)

20.Explain about the three oop principles with examples?

21.Describe the implementation of method overloading with an example.

22.Write a java program to do matrix multiplication of two given matrices.

23.Explain the procedures for suspending,resuming and stopping threads in java programs.

24.Explain the methods in the following topics in java with examples.

25.Explain the use of URL connection class with an example program.





PART A - (10 x 3 = 30 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 50 words.

1. What are three components in microprocessor

based systems?

2.Define Memory.

3.What is machine language?

4. List any three operations commonly performed by the MPU.

5. What are three types of memory transfer instructions in 8085 instruction set?

6. Explain anyone type of 'compare' operation in 8085 instruction set.

7.What are additional techniques for time delay?

8.Define stack.

9.List the operations of RET instruction.

10.Define Maskable Interrupt.

11.Explain the function of disable interrupt.

12.Write about HCDA signal.

PART B - (5 x 6 = 30 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 200 words.

13. Explain the functions of various components of a

microprocessor based system.

14. Discuss about the 8085 machine language and

assembly language.

15. Discuss about the input/output instructions and

port addresses.

16. Describe the functions of the machine control

instructions HLT and NOP.

17. Explain the conditional call and return

instructions with an example.

18. Explain the multibyte subtraction with an


19.Write a note on "memory mapped I/O".

PART C - (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 500 words.

20. Discuss in detail about 8085 instruction set and


21. Explain with an example of looping, counting and


22. Briefly explain the necessary instructions for

using the stack.

23. Illustrate a program for BCD-to-common-cathode

LED code conversion.

24. Explain the hexadecimal counter and pulse

timings for flashing lights.

25.Explain the direct memory access in detail.




Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Answer any TEN questions

1.Define microprocessor.
2.Introduce flash memory.
3.Differentiate between SUB AND CMP commands
4.State the purpose of LDAX AND STAX commands.
5.What do you mean by dynamic debugging?
6.How to design a counter?
7.List the conditional return commands.
8.What is the purpose of DAD commands?
9.List the methods for clearing accumulator.
10.Write a note on EI and DI instructions.
11.Write a note on DMA.
12.Define the role of INTR.

PART-B-(5*6=30 MARKS)
13.Explain the 8085 registers.
14.Explain the 8085 flags.
15.Explain the data transfer instructions.
16.Explain the modulo 10 counter.
17.With examples explain stack commands.
18.Write a program to add two BCD numbers.
19.Explain the memory mapped I/O.

PART-C --(10*4=40 MARKS)
Answer any FOUR questions
20.Discuss the features of 8085 MPU.
21.Write an assembly language program
to find the sum of given set of 8 bit numbers
22.Explain the subroutine with an example.
23.Explain the following commands: DAA, SHLD, XTHL, XCHG, CMC.
24.Explain the vectored interrupts.
25.Discuss the peripheral I/O





            NOVEMBER 2006 m.P 46412/PK4D
Time: Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A- (10*3=30 MARKS)
1.Define Microprocessor
2.What is low-level language?
3.Define Assembly language.
4.Specify any three control
signals commonly used by the 8085 MPU
5.What are the continous and conditional loops?
6.What are the methods of copying data between the
microprocessors and memory in 8085 instruction.
7.Define Subroutine
8.What is operating system?
9.Write down the functions of DAA INSTRUCTION.
10.List the various types of maskable interrupts, explain.
11.Give the actions of Enable Interrupt.
12.Write about HOLD signal.

PART-B--(5*6=30 MARKS)
Answer any FIVE Questions
13.Explain the method of writing and
executing an assembly language program.
14.Describe the functions of Reset, Interrupt and wait
15.Discuss about the various arithmetic operations
performed by 8085 microprocessor
16.Draw a flow chart of a conditional loop illustrating
indexing and counting.
17.Write a note on "counters and time delays".
18.Write a program to convert a packed BCD to Binary equivalent.
19.Explain the following:
(a)Multiple Interrupt

PART C- (4*10=40 MARKS)

Answer any FOUR questions
20.Explain in detail about Internal Data
operations and the 8085 registers.
21.Discuss with an examples of Data transfer Instructions.
22.Write a program and flow chart for a hexadecimal conversion
23.Write short notes on "modulo 10 counter".
24.Write a program for BCD to Binary and Binary to ASCII conversion
25. Discuss the following.
(a)RAM and ROM
(b)8085 Interrupts.






PART A- (10 x 3 = 30 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 500 words.

1.What is compute-server system?

2. Mention any four system components.

3. Draw the diagram of process state.

4.What are the necessary condition for deadlock?

5.What is meant by critical section problem?

6. Define segmentation.

7.Define Page, frames and frame table.

8. Name the different types of page replacement algorithm.

9.What are file attributes?

10. What is meant by Boot control block?

11.What is caching?

12. What are goals of protection?

PART B - (5 x 6 = 30 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 200 words.

13. Discuss about the real time system.

14. Explain the scheduling algorithm that mainly used for time sharing system.

15. What are the possibilities to recover system from deadlock?

16. Write short notes on segmentation.

17. What are the ways to access the information in the file? Explain briefly.

18. How does DMA increase system concurrency? Explain.

19. Discuss the security problem.

PART C - (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 500 words.

20. Explain process scheduling in detail.

21. Discuss the multi threading issues in detail.

22. Why we need semaphore tool? Explain in detail with example.

23. Explain in detail about paging.

24. Explain any two page replacement algorithm.

25.Explain the access matrix.




Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A-----(10*3=30 MARKS)
all question carry equal marks.

1.Explain the main purposes of an Operative system.
2.Define turn around time .
3.Compare multiprogramming and multitasking.
4.List the method for handling dead locks.
5.Write a short note on counting semaphores.
6.What is the difference between logical and physical address?
7.What do you mean by swapping ? Expalin with an example.
8. What is thrashing?
9.What is authentication?
10. List out the reason for using Demand paging.
11. What do you mena by spooling ?
12.What is threat monitoring?

PART-- B--(5*6=30 MARKS)
Answer any FIVE questions
13. What are the factors to be considered in CPU scheduling?
14. What are the necessary conditions for deadlocks?
15.3 Explain direct communication in interprocess communication.
16.Write a note on Critical Section Problem.
17. Briefly describe the single contigous allocation scheme.
18. Discuss about Virtual memory,
19.Discuss on various operations of a file.

PART- C ---(10*4=40 MARKS)
Answer any FOUR questions.
20.Describe the ssential properties of the following operasting systems:
(a) Batch
(b) Time - sharing
(c) Distributed
21. Describe the steps to create a process. When the process terminated?
22. Discuss any one of the CPU scheduling with example.
23.Discuss the Banker's algorithm for deadlosk avoidance in detail.
24. Explain tyhe demand paging scheme with suitable example
25. Explain the various file access methods.





NOVEMBER 2008 46408/PK3D

Time : Three hours Maximum : [100 marks]

PART A - [10 * 3 =30 marks]
Answer any TEN questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
Each answer should not exceed 50 words.

1. What do you mean by Real time system?

2. Write the advantages of multiprogramming.

3. What are the necessary conditions for deadlock?

4. What do you mean by semaphore?

5. When does mutual exclusion neet to be enforced?

6. Illustrate the external and internal fragmentation.

7. Define Segmentation.

8. Write about overlays.

9. Give the structure of file system.

10. What do you mean by Access Control Matrix?

11. What is SPOOLING?

12. What is threat monitoring?

PART B - [5 * 6 =30 marks]
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
Each answer should not exceed 200 words.

13. What are the different performance criteria for CPU scheduling algorithms?

14. Explain the life cycle of a process with neat diagram.

15. Explain the PCB in detail.

16. What is deadlock? How can you avoid it?

17. What is page fault? When do page faults occur?

18. Discuss about Virtual memory.

19. Discuss on various operations of a file.

PART C - [4 * 10 = 40 marks]
Answer any FOUR questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
Each answer should not exceed 500 words.

20. Describe the essential properties of the following operating systems :
(a) Batch
(b) Time-sharing
(c) Distributed.

21. Describe the interprocess communication.

22. Discuss the Banker's algorithm for deadlock avoidance in detail.

23. Explain the segmentation technique with the necessary diagrams.

24. Explain various file access methods.

25. Describe the most common schemes for designing the logical structure of a directory.







PART A - (10 x 3 = 30 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 50 words.

1.State the modified form of Brook's Law.

2. Write down one reason for implementing a proto

type in software development.

3.Write the importance of Decision Table.

4.Expand PSL and PSA.

5.Define External design.

6.What is the importance of modularity?

7.Define Recursion.

8. Why is "go to" statement to be avoided?

9. When does a domain error occW'?

10.Define the
Tenn software maintenance.

11.What is the purpose of source code metrics?

12. What is the purpose of configuration


PART B - (5 x 6 = 30 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 200 words.

13.Explain how a solution strategy is developed.

14. What does data flow diagram specify? Draw its


15.Discuss the five types of coupling, with examples.

16. Discuss the advantages of single entry and single

exit construct.

17. Give the functions of a software quality assurance


18. Discuss the activities performed during Software

development to enhance the maintainability.

19. Explain any one of the top-down design


PART C - (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 500 words.

20. Discuss the prototype life-cycle model of a software


21. Discuss Delphi cost estimation and Construction

cost model.

22. Explain the purpose and draw the diagram for the

following notations:

(a) Pseudocode

(b) Decision table.

23. Describe the techniques available for structured

coding and discuss the issues involved in


24.Discuss the two activities of system testing.

25. Describe the managerial aspects of software

maintenance. Also list the activities of configuration






PART A - (10 x 3 = 30 marks)

Answer any TEN questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not-exceed 50 words.

1. List down any FOUR properties of command button.

2. What is the main use of labels?

3.What are comment statements?

4.List down any FOUR built-in data types in VB.

5.Draw a flow diagram for Do loop in VB.

6. How will you find the length of a string in VB? Give an example.

7.What are fixed arrays?

8.What is the use of flex grid control?

9. What are MDI forms?

10.Write a note on : Debug Object.

11.Write a note on : Line command in VB.

12.What are binary files?

PART B - (5 x 6 = 30 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 200 words.

13. Write short notes on : Image Controls.

14.What are message boxes? Discuss briefly.

15. Discuss about select case control structure with an example.

16. Discuss about any FOUR numeric built-in functions in VB with examples.

17.Write short notes on : Control Arrays.

18. What are VB objects? Discuss about creating an object in VB with examples.

19. Discuss about dB's file handling commands with examples.

PART C - (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 500 words.

20. Describe in detail, standard properties and event procedures of text boxes.

21. Write a VB program to find the sum and average of N given numbers.

22. Explain about indeterminate loops in VB with suitable examples.

23.Describe in detail about the Debug tool bar.

24. Discuss about the events, methods and properties used for dragging and dropping operations for controls.

25.Discuss in detail about OLE automation.







NOVEMBER 2008 VB 46415/PK5C
Time :three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART-A--(10*3=30 MARKS)
Answer any TEN questions
1.Write a note on : The Properties Windows.
2.What are the properties of Command Buttons?
List them.
3.What are variables in VB?
4.What is the use of "Print " method?
Give an example.
5.What are determinant loops? Give an example.
6.Write a note on : IF-Then statement.
7.How to find out the length of the string?
8.What are Combo Boxes?
9.List the names of methods in common dialog boxes.
10.Write a note on : MDI.
11.What are sequential files?
12.What is menat by OLE and Draga and Drop?

PART-B-(5*6=30 MARKS)
Answers any FIVE questions
13.Discuss about Resizing and Moving an existing control.
14.Write short notes on : Image controls and Input box function.
15.Discuss the different data types in VB with examples.
16.Discuss the different financial built-in functions with examples.
17.Write a VB program to find themaximum of given n integers.
18.Write a short notes on : The Denug Toolbar.
19.Explain any two File Handling Functions in VB with examples.
PART-C-(10*4=40 MARKS)
Answer any FOUR questions.
20.Explain the following.
(b)VB's Editing Tools
21.Explain about Functions and Procedures in VB with suitable examples.
22.Write a VB program to implement Binary Searcg.
23.Explain about the line and shape controls with examples.
24.Explain how to handle control arrays in VB with examples.
25.Discuss in detail, the file system objects in VB.








PART A - (10 x 3 = 30 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 50 words.

1. Write down the structured parts of the HTML page?

2. What are the tags used for Heading purpose?

3. Write down the JavaScript comments.

4. How to use conditional expression in J avaScript? Explain?

5. Write a note on math object in JavaScript.

6. Explain any three basic web server controls.

7. Explain any three List box?

8. What is the use of Response object?

9. What is mean by error handling?

10. Define Authentication.

11. Write down any three Document object model?

12. Explain the Break Statement in JavaScript.

PART B - (5 x 6 = 30 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 200 words.

13. What are the tags used for tent formatting purpose? Explain.

14.Discuss the various list tags?

15. Discuss the various comparison operators in Java Script?

16. Explain Java Script special operators.

17. Explain the form object's properties in detail.

18. Briefly explain OLEDB connection class.

19. Discuss the Advanced issues of Request and Response object.

PART C - (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 500 words.

20. What are all the tags used in creating a table?

Construct a table using all the tags.

21. Discuss Java Script programming statements.

22. Write in detail about JavaScript document object model?

23. Explain the following in detail:

(a) HTML server controls.

(b) Data list web server controls.

24. Discuss various Request and Response object class

in detail.

25. What are the security types available? Explain.




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