General tips
Get a job during meal times, to keep your mind off food
Feed your dog the food
Sleep during meal times
Say you're trying to make your skin better to avoid food like white bread and chocolate
"No thanks, I'm vegan"
Spicy foods raise your metabolism
Use sweetener instead of sugar
Instead of milk use unsweetened light soya milk (21 cals per 100mls)
Don't overdo it at the gym otherwise you won't find it enjoyable and it will feel like a chore so you will be discouraged from going next time
Have a couple of teaspoons of apple cider vinegar a day, it's really good for weight loss
Drink lots of green tea or take green tea capsules, also good for weight loss
Sleep atleast 8 hours a night, lack of sleep leads to hunger
Write your goal weight on your hand and look at it throughout the day
The later you eat, the slower your metabolism is, hence making you fatter
Find out what is your prime binging hour and go to the gym in that time
Cold baths/showers speed the metabolism and encourages the body to burn fat
Eat infront of the mirror
Eat off a small dark plate
Brush your teeth - food tastes disgusting after
Chew some food and then spit it out so that you have some flavour in your mouth
Buy lush clothes that are way too small for you
Be vain, we are "too good" to eat that food
Put a picture of your goal body in your wallet, everytime you want to buy some food you will see it
Never stop moving
Put all the money you would spend on food in a jar. When it's full go and buy something nice
Buy 'normal' food and show it off to your family and friends, then throw it away
Keep a food diary, everytime you are tempted to binge remember that you will have to write it in your diary later
If you want to binge
Clean something gross or clean your room
Put nail polish on
Make a book with pictures of models and celebs, that you wish you looked liked. Everytime you're about to binge, look at your Thinsperation book.
Go to pro-ana sites/work on your own site
Drink lots of water
Give yourself a makeover to distract yourself
Call a friend
Study yourself in the mirror
Look at a naked picture of yourself to remind you you're still fat
Watch fat people eat - it will turn you off
Listen to the gross sound of other people eating
Go for a relaxing walk outside and listen to your ipod
Email an ana buddy
Get out an excercise or aerobic DVD
Drink Diet Soda
Get on the scale (although I find it a binge trigger if I've gained weight)
Go to a friend's place who's cupboards you can't just go and raid
Suck ice cubes
Have some mints
Watch a gripping film
Have a ciggarette
Snap a hairband on your wrist, Food = Pain
Ask yourself before you eat "Do I really need this?"
Pinch your fat rolls
Keep a food diary, everytime you are tempted to binge remember that you will have to write it in your diary later
If you feel like you're missing out on not eating, think to yourself, 'I've already tasted that food before so why's it going to be any different this time' And think of all the new things you can try out when your thin
Close your eyes, count to 100 and picture yourself with your dream body
Make your bedroom cold then cozy up into your bed, you won't want to get out for food
If you have to purge, use the end of a toothbrush instead of your fingers so you don't scrape your knuckles on your teeth or scratch the back of your throat.
Drink lots of water before so it comes up easier and doesn't put as much strain on your oesophagus.
Put tissue in the toilet water before so your sick doesn't splash back up at your face.
Don't brush your teeth after as it removes protective enamel which prevents teeth decay (your teeth will still decay if you purge no matter what) use mouthwash instead.
If you purge your breath is gonna stink so always have mints and gum handy to prevent people from smelling you out.
You might have to flush the toilet twice to avoid floaty bits appearing when other family members go to use the loo.
Run the taps or shower to cover up the sound if there are people in nearby rooms.
At a restaurant
Pretend to feel ill atleast an hour before you go then when you get there order your food, eat a bit then say you've really lost your appetite and the food is making you feel worse
Order something you don't like
Put too much salt/pepper/dressing on your food so it tastes gross
Look on for nutritinal values of food in that particular restaurant
Don't eat any bread from the basket before the meal
Only order water or diet coke
Takes sips of your drink inbetween meals
Talk alot to other people on the table so it doesn't look like you're just sat there staring at your food
Since you've been talking alot, 'realise' that your food has gone cold